Part 1. The 2 Stages of change

Embarking on a journey of transformation involves navigating two crucial phases: leaving behind the undesirable and moving purposefully towards a brighter future. The initial stage necessitates a conscious acknowledgment of what's being shed, and the subsequent phase revolves around envisioning and pursuing the desired destination.

It's imperative to traverse both stages seamlessly for a triumphant transition or exit. Recognizing these phases becomes paramount for maintaining motivation, as many individuals find themselves mired in the challenges of the initial phase. This stage often carries a negative mindset that can significantly impact thoughts and actions, potentially hindering progress if not actively managed.

Negativity in thought and expression casts ripples into one's surroundings, influencing the energy attracted back into life. Staying attuned to this dynamic is crucial to avoid being ensnared in a cycle of pessimism. Conversely, embracing positive thoughts and focus during the second phase can manifest as a powerful force when overcoming obstacles.

In essence, understanding the intricacies of these stages is key to fostering resilience and propelling oneself towards a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. By transcending the hurdles of phase one and channeling energy into positive aspirations, individuals can unlock the doors to a more empowered and gratifying existence.

In Part 2, we will take a look at some practical steps we can take to help us focus during a change or transition.


Part 2. The stages of goal setting:


Respond to triggers